Last year I read Jonathan Stroud's awesome fantasy series, the Bartimaeus' Trilogy, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Great new fantasy books just don't come along all that often- (they tend to be a little too much like this) but Stroud is a classy guy who knows how to craft great plots, great characters, and keep you guessing at the next twist.
Halli Sveinsson (are you catching the viking flavor of this yet?) is a bored young would-be hero, which in his peaceful farming family translates effectively into general hot-headed trouble-maker. He dreams of the great deeds of the heroes of the past, who fought the (extremely creepy) orc-like burrowing Trows out of the valley once and for all. But his pranks and temper eventually set in motion a chain of events that threaten to shatter the generations-long peace in the valley. In his quest to set wrongs right he discovers the truth about his home, his family, and himself.
I really like Stroud's very visual style that outlines just enough detail for you to paint a vivid picture for yourself. He's so good at well-paced plot that keeps you guessing right until the very end. It's exciting stuff with a nice balance of drama, action, and just a hint of romance. Aud, Halli's brave and intelligent friend, co-conspirator, and love interest? is almost as enjoyable a character as Halli. The only tiny, teeny little weakness that I feel Stroud might have as a writer is his ability to wrap things up. I don't love his endings- I'm not sure he always quite knows what to do with them. Still, this is a very enjoyable, exciting, well-crafted read that made me neglect the dishes.